The Table Mountain National Park Marine Protected Area (MPA) is a popular fishing area for shore and boat-based fisher people as well as extractive divers. However due to heavy recreational and commercial pressure on the rich biodiversity of the MPA, fishing and extractive diving are subject to strict regulations and permits. Certain activities such as recreational perlemoen diving are prohibited.
There are six restricted areas with five or “no take” zones within the MPA where no fishing or extractive activities are allowed, and in the sixth restricted area the Karbonkelberg, only snoek are allowed to be caught deeper than the 35m contour.
To purchase recreational fishing permits, please contact your local South African Post Office.
An annual My Activity Permit Level 3 is also required.
A Wild Card membership does not grant you entry to fish within TMNP.
See the Marine Recreational Activity Brochure and visit their Marine section for more information.