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Having a multitude of conferencing venues within its many parks, South African National Parks offers adequate infrastructure to handle small and large groups.

The various conference facilities within the parks are easily accessible and provide an ideal getaway for delegates to enjoy a variety of pre- and post-conferencing breaks and services. SANParks offers ‘high-power’ conferencing in a natural environment so that delegates are still able to enjoy the advantage of experiencing an unspoiled African Wild.

SANParks can cater for all conferencing needs, from arranging the venue, to the logistical arrangements, to organizing tailored pre- and post-conference activities. We invite you to join us in the wild; meet – plan – strategize, all the while, learning from nature that the strongest survive, but dynamite is hidden in small packages.

Answer the bird’s first call as your mind ‘Goes Wild’ with brilliant ideas.

Conferencing facilities are available in the following parks:

Conference/Event Booking Request

Contact Central Reservations, or complete the form below.

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