Table Mountain National Park Records Positive Festive Season Numbers
Table Mountain National Park (TMNP) recorded a successful festive season with visitor numbers, crime incidents and fires presenting an overall encoura...
There are especially beautiful displays around the area known as Die Spruit (most of the photos below are taken around this area), as well as around Prambergfontein/Volmoersfontein.
At Elandsberg there are more bush flowering species – some that are lower down the slopes are already in bloom. Those higher up do have flower heads but it will still be a while before they open. On top of the Roggeveld/Gannaga Pass the flowers usually come into bloom a bit later, as it is much colder there. Also different species occur there, more geophytes/bulb species.
Conditions are drying out quickly, hopefully there will be some rain again soon. The wind is also a bit troublesome the past week or so and is not a friend to flowers.