Update On Kruger National Park Roads
Kruger National Park (KNP) Management has received a report from the roads and Technical Services department, on the state of the roads that were clos...
The moderators, the Virtual Honorary Rangers (VHRs) picked this up and began a conversation with SANParks. With the assistance of Laura Mukwevho, Media Relations: Kruger National Park, the request process began for approval as well as help from a section ranger.
SANParks was most helpful and Phuti Namethe, Hospitality Manager: Olifants agreed to participate and donate a bakkie with a trailer and security. The original idea from the campers was to collect rubbish next to the road but the area has changed and it will now take place on the banks of the Olifants River. Due to the seasonal rains, there is always rubbish on the banks.
The initiator, BunnyHugger, could not attend, and Lowveldboy willingly took his place to be the driver behind the clean-up and details were further discussed with Namethe.
Not all campers will be helping out, but at least 25 forumites will do their bit to clean a small part of Kruger while camping in Balule.