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09 March 2009

Prescribed “stack burning” for Table Mountain National Park

Fuel reduction burns usually take place during the colder and wetter periods of the year (May – August) and burning will commence as soon as sufficient rain has fallen.

These burns will take place under strict conditions and are carefully planned ahead of time. Fuel reduction burning is planned as part of hazard reduction and the removal of dry flammable material by means of stack burning will reduce the likelihood of future uncontrolled fires. Stack burning should not be confused with prescribed burns currently taking place in the park. Prescribed burns are carried out with the main purpose of aiding fynbos regeneration and are carried out under their own specific criteria.

Fuel reduction burns however, are carried out to dispose of vegetation resulting from:

  1. Invasive alien clearing operations
  2. Clearing of fire hazards
  3. Construction of fire breaks

Stacks will be completely extinguished after each burn and cognizance will be given to possible air pollution when multiple stack burns are conducted.

Burning will take place at several sites within TMNP and it will therefore not be possible to notify every homeowner as to the exact day of the burn in advance. Only where burning takes place immediately adjacent to residential properties, Park Management will make an effort to inform such landowners and residents in good time of the intent to carry out such a burn.

Kindly direct all queries or objections to the City”s Air Pollution Control section on Tel: 021 590 1419; via fax to 021 590 1621; or via email to [email protected]

For further enquiries, please contact Philip Prins, Fire Manager or Clinton Dilgee, Senior Section Ranger: TMNP at 021 6897438/9.

For more information on TMNP, contact us via Twitter on @TableMountainNP or Facebook: SANParks – Table Mountain National Park.

Issued by:
SANParks, Cape Region

Media Queries:
Philip Prins
Fire Manager
Table Mountain National Park
021 689 7438/9