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23 April 2007

Northern Region Rewards Excellence

In an effort to recognise the skills and dedication of our employees, the Northern Region of SANParks held the 1st Regional Achievement Awards in Golden Gate Highlands National Park on 12 April 2007.

The SANParks Regional Awards take place in all regions. Every SANParks employee can nominate a colleague, a subordinate, or a supervisor in any division, department or camp within their region in a number of categories. An Adjudication Panel for each round of awards is appointed by the regional park manager and is made up of a representative panel from the region. All submitted nominations in all categories are evaluated based on the motivation, category criteria, and Key Performance Area rating of the nominee. The 2007 Northern region winners include Moses Baloyi from Mapungubwe National Parks who walked away with the Outstanding Customer Service Award for his outstanding diligent work in customer relations, while Quinn Neethling received the Outstanding Service in the Workplace Award for his efforts in all work situations.

Other awards include

Outstanding Service in the Workplace
1. Sipho Zulu-Golden Gate
2. Stefan Cilliers-Mapungubwe
3. Nombosino Nyhodo-Marakele

Outstanding Customer Service
1. Rosinah Dikhutso- Marakele
2. Obed Lutando Maluwa- Golden Gate

The Camp of the Year award went to Highlands Mountain Retreat in Golden Gate National Park for outstanding appearance, control of budget and maintenance. Marakele National Park is the Park of the Year and its main gate won the Entrance Gate of the Year award. Managers too received awards. Priya Sam Mudramuthoo who is Regional Marketing Manager based at Groenkloof was awarded the Regional Manager”s Award for 2007. Mapungubwe National Park manager, Tshimangadzo Nemaheni, received the Constituency Builder of the Year along with Sandra Taljaard from Golden Gate.

Matsima Magakgala, the regional manager delivered the key note address saying, “I believe that all of us have an inherent need and desire to be the best. The job that you do should help you to build the person who you want to be and if you have fun in your job, it is no longer a job but a way of life”.

The theme for this year was Growth and Nature. The region used the 2006 tree of the Year, Wild Promegranate as their symbol and inspite of it being a cold evening, representatives from the regions parks, namely Mapungubwe; Golden Gate, Marakele and Groenkloof National Park attended the function.

The regional awards then feed into the Chief Executive Awards which are run at a national level and are made up of the best of the regional nominations from all regions as well as Groenkloof staff. The exception to this is the Website Community Choice Award. This category has been included in the Chief Executive Awards for the first time ever. It is an opportunity for the public to vote for a staff member who they feel meets the appropraite standards of excellence.

The CE award winners, as well as our Kudu Award Winners will be announced at a gala dinner in Pretoria on 21 May 2007. This event will be broadcast live on the SANParks website.

Congratulations to all the winners and nominees!