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28 August 2015

Namaqua National Park flower report update

There is not much change from the previous week and the report is very much the same. The flowers at Skilpad is currently the best in some years. The orange carpets looks thicker than previous years and covers more areas. It is interspersed with various purple, yellow and white flowers.

The lower lying areas of the park, in particular Soebatsfontein, Kookfontein and the Wildeperdehoek area, are exceptional. White and orange daisies are covering large areas, and the Wildeperdehoek flats have large purple patches of Sporries. A multitude of species is flowering all at once, with vygies and beetle daisies being very noticeable. These particular areas are accessible on gravel roads of average condition- but is worth the drive.

The Caracal Ecoroute in Namaqua National Park is highly recommended and definitely the way to go at this stage when visiting the park. Visitors will see a wide variety of flowers, from the mountains to the coast. The track from points no.1 – 4 in particular will keep you occupied for many hours. It is essential to get the Ecoroute guide booklet at one of our offices if you intend doing this route. The route takes all day and a 4×4 is required due to some sandy stretches along the coast.

The coastal area in the park (Groen river to Spoeg river) is also very good. The vygies will start coming out now, adding to the already spectacular variety to see. Please note that the coastal section of Namaqua NP can only be visited with a 4×4.

Around the park there are reports of very good flowers at Spoeg river and Wallekraal, and along the Hondeklip Bay road and Groen river road. In fact the whole Namaqua area have not looked this good for a long time.

Rainfall at Skilpad:

June 2015 90.93mm
July 2015 52.32mm
August 2015 (to date) 3.81mm

It has been a while since we had rain and will need some soon to extend the lifetime of the flowers.

Attached are some photographs taken 20th of August 2015.




It should be noted that it is very difficult to predict with certainty what the flowers would be like and that we can only guess based on current weather conditions.