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22 August 2014

Namaqua National Park Flower Report

The flowers are spectacular over large areas of the park and indeed the region. Pietsnot (Grielum humifusum – yellow flowers) is very prominent, more so than previous years. Skilpad is covered in orange Namaqua daisy carpets. Other flowers becoming more noticeable include Varkiesknol (Conicosia); Senecios, Gazanias and Sporries (Heliophila sp). If you walk the hiking trails you will notice a multitude of other different species.

The areas between Skilpad and Soebatsfontein and towards Wildeperdehoek pass has large purple “vygie” carpets, as well as very good white daisy patches.

The coastal flowers are very good with the usual variety of vygies and daisies. This is one of the best years we have seen on the parks” coast for flowers. Please note that the coast is only accessible for 4×4 vehicles.

There are now basically good flowers all over Namaqua. The best is to ask around when you are in the area to find out where the best spots are. Please note that I can only speak with authority on the park itself and close surrounds with regard to where the flowers are.

Skilpad is accessible with a normal sedan vehicle but a high ground clearance vehicle is needed for the remainder of the park.

Rainfall, Skilpad section, Namaqua National Park:

  • March 2014: 14.98mm
  • April 2014: 7.61mm
  • May 2014: 16.26mm
  • June 2014: 86.86mm
  • July 2014: 52.82mm
  • August: 13.45mm (to date)

Flowers in Namaqua National Park

Flowers in Namaqua

Flower season in Namaqua

Tourist enquiries:
Namaqua National Park, Skilpad Office
Tel: 027 672 1948