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17 July 2012

Media Release: Update on rhino poaching statistics

The Kruger National Park has lost a total of 164 rhinos to illegal killings. Limpopo, North West, Mpumalanga and KwaZulu-Natal provinces continue to be targeted by poachers, accounting for 110 of the total rhinos poached since the beginning of this year

Thus far, a total of 176 arrests have been made of which 153 are at the level of poachers; 10 receivers or couriers; six couriers or buyers and seven exporters.

Total number of rhinos killed this year:

SA 2010 2011 2012
KNP (SANParks) 146 252 164
MNP (SANParks) 0 6 3
GP 15 9 0
LIM 52 74 40
MP 17 31 14
NW 57 21 26
EC 4 11 3
FS 3 4 0
KZN 38 34 30
WC 0 6 1
NC 1 0 0
TOTAL 333 448 281

Number of arrests:

SA 2012 2011 2010
KNP (SANParks) 42 82 67
MNP (SANParks) 0 0 0
Gauteng (GP) 20 16 10
Limpopo (LIM) 29 34 36
Mpumalanga (MP) 47 73 16
North West (NW) 21 21 2
Eastern Cape (EC) 0 2 7
Free State (FS) 6 0 0
KZN 10 4 25
Western Cape (WC) 0 0 2
Northern Cape (NC) 1 0 0
TOTAL 176 232 165

South Africans are urged to report incidents of rhino poaching or any tip-offs that could lead to arrests and prevention of illegal killings to 0800 205 005.

Issued By

The Department of Environmental Affairs

Media queries:
Albi Modise on 083 490 2871