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20 June 2011

Media Release: SANParks puts translocation of rhino into perspective

Ike Phaahla, SANParks Media Specialist, was quoted in a Sunday newspaper as contradicting the Minister by stating that the programme would only be implemented from next year. SANParks realises the importance of protecting the animals by implementing the strategy announced by the Minister on behalf of cabinet and has no intention to delay the implementation of Cabinet”s decision and by implication defying the Minister.

“In my explanation yesterday (23 August 2014), I merely gave context to the fact that there is currently no definite date that has been set aside for the translocations to take place, the fact is that we have to plan the logistics around the translocations as required. The reports suggesting a postponement were false and that the best time to do mass capturing and translocations was coming to a close. I had stated that the period recommended by scientists is between March and October and that is what I pointed out. At no stage did I mention a date and suggest that this will only take place next year.” said Phaahla.

The translocations will be taking place as soon as all the planning has been finalised and SANParks will take the public into their confidence.

Phaahla concluded by saying that any misunderstanding due to his explanation was regrettable and hopes that the picture will be made clearer by future announcements of the start of the relocations by the SANParks Board.

Issued By

South African National Parks (SANParks) Corporate Communications
Tel: 012 426 5170

Media enquiries:
Reynold “Rey” Thakhuli
SANParks Acting Head of Communications
Tel: 012 426 5203; Cell: 073 373 4999
Email: [email protected]