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07 March 2017

Media Release: SANParks in dispute with Restaurant operator at Satara, Olifants and Letaba Camps in the Kruger National Park

Following a host of complaints by guests on various social media platforms in relation to the quality of service experienced by guests at Letaba, Satara and Olifants restaurants in Kruger National Park, South African National Parks would like to put it on record that it is in dispute with the operator of former Mugg & Bean outlets at the above mentioned rest camps.

According to SANParks Acting Head of Communications, William Mabasa, SANParks is currently embarking on an arbitration process with the operator in question and is unable to confirm how long will the process take. “But arbitration proceeding are underway.”

He said in an effort to address this challenge and improve service standards for the comfort of our guests booked at the affected rest camp, “SANParks will endeavour to put temporary substitutes particularly during peak times.”

“SANParks management sincerely apologizes for the inconvenience and hopes that your stay in the park will be a memorable one as always,” concluded Mabasa.

Issued By

South African National Parks (SANParks) Corporate Communications
Tel 012 426 5170

Media Enquiries:
William Mabasa
Acting Head of Communications, SANParks
Tel: 013 735 4363; Cell: 082 807 3919
E-mail: [email protected]

Reynold “ReyT” Thakhuli
GM: Media, PR & Stakeholder Relations, SANParks
Tel: 012 426 5203; Cell: 073 373 4999
E-mail: [email protected]