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24 March 2011

Media Release: SANParks gears up for tourism growth

Over the next 18 months, a total of more than R50 million will be invested into critical tourism destinations and gateways within the park including Cape of Good Hope and Boulders.

These two destinations are both “must do” sites for all tourists to Cape Town and have reached phenomenal visitor numbers of 860,000 and 680,000 visits per year respectively. The Cape of Good Hope and Boulders sections are thus integral to the Tourism Economy in Cape Town and investment into these top destinations is in the interest of all of our tourism stakeholders.

Tokai is a major gateway for local users and is also due for infrastructure investment which will benefit a further component of our stakeholders. Visitors can look forward to a multi-user access road and improved services to the area. The overall development will require a new office building for the park which will be built according to “green building” principles.

“The investments into TMNP will ensure that the park remains a destination of choice for local and international visitors for years to come,” says Paddy Gordon, Park Manager of the Table Mountain National Park. “We would like to use the incident of the park”s 16th birthday to share the good news with our stakeholders.”

It is anticipated that the upgrades and constructions also represent considerable job creation opportunities for Cape Town. This will add to the cumulative economic injection of more than R275 million in employment programs implemented by the TMNP over the 16 years. This means that thousands of unskilled persons were employed and trained and have become part of the Cape Town economy.

Issued by:
South African National Parks (SANParks) Cape Region Communications
Tel: 021 712 2337


Merle Collins
Regional Communications Manager, Cape Region, SANParks
Tel: 021 689 4441; Cell: 072 627 3910
Email: [email protected]