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22 May 2017

Media Release: Cell C’s Take a Girl Child to Work initiative

On the 17 May 2017, the Kgalagadi Transfrontier Park (KTP) participated in Cell C's Take a Girl Child to Work initiative. Aimed at exposing young girls to the “world of work”, this initiative is also helping to address the issues that concern our youth.

SANParks” regular participation in this annual event supports the need to expose girls to the reality of the work environment, as well as provide them with career information and a sense of empowerment in the decisions that they make about their future careers. Receiving these groups at Kgalagadi Transfrontier Park supports the outreach programme at SANParks to create awareness among learners about careers in the exciting field of nature conservation and other related fields.

This year, 8 girls from two secondary schools in Upington and Rietfontein – Carlton van Heerden Secondary and Rietfontein Combined School arrived at the Park eager to find out more about SANParks and its Nature Conservation activities. The girls participated in an event-filled day that started with a presentation on the history of the park and SANParks activities. This was followed by interaction and discussions with a number of staff members from the different divisions. The likes of a Senior Ranger, HR officer, Finance Manager, People and Conservation Officer, Technical Manager, Field guide, Tourism receptionist, the Communication / Marketing Manager were interviewed by the girls to find out more about their different careers.

The visitors had the opportunity to ask questions, which initiated interesting conversations. According to Micho Ferrira, Senior Section Ranger at KTP, “the girls' enthusiasm about careers in conservation and questions about lions and maintenance of fences were interesting and refreshing.”

Nadia Lemmetuis, the Communication Manager for the Arid Region, presented the girls with a goodie-bag filled with goodies from the KTP curio shop. The visit concluded with lunch, a photo session and a game drive against a backdrop of pristine fields and beautiful herds of Gemsbok and springbok.

Issued By

South African National Parks (SANParks) Arid Region Communications


Nadia Lemmetuis
Communications Manager: Arid Parks SANParks
Tel: (054) 338-0500 or 073 546 6321