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22 July 2019

Media Release: Become a hero for Conservation today – Enter the Kudu Awards 2019

South African National Parks (SANParks) in partnership with First National Bank (FNB) and Total SA is proud to announce the call for nominations for the 15th annual Kudu Awards, today 22 July 2019.

In this 15th year of the Kudu Awards, we are excited to share the event with the 25 years of democracy of South Africa. The purpose of the awards is to recognise external stakeholders for their contributions and efforts in making SANParks the custodian of choice for the national parks system in South Africa.

SANParks General Manager: Media, PR & Stakeholder Relations, Reynold Thakhuli said “the awards also aim at enhancing equitable and sustainable relationships with various external communities with a particular caring interest to the national parks of our country. The Kudu Awards are open to all people from various backgrounds with a passion and love for conservation and wildlife.”

The Kudu Awards is an event whereby SANParks honours and celebrates people whose conservation efforts and national pride are exemplary. “The SANParks vision, ‘a world-class system of sustainable national parks reconnecting and inspiring society’ encourages all of South Africa to celebrate the achievements of those around them and to pay tribute to those who work effortlessly to put our parks at the forefront of conservation’. Award winners will take home a financial reward as well,” concluded Thakhuli. Make sure to get your nominations in before it is too late.

The awards consist of the following categories:

  • Corporate
  • Non-Governmental Organisations
  • Media Contribution to Conservation and Eco-Tourism
  • Community Contribution to Conservation
  • Environmental Education
  • Individual Contribution to Conservation
  • Professional Stakeholders
  • Associated Partners
  • Women in Conservation
  • Youth in Conservation
  • Innovation

The final date for entries is 16 August 2019. The award winners will be announced at a function to be held in Gauteng in November. Nominate your conservation hero today and be an inspiration to others. Go to to find a nomination form.

For more information or an entry form visit:

Issued By

South African National Parks (SANParks) Corporate Communications

Reynold “Rey” Thakhuli
General Manager: Media, PR & Stakeholder Relations – SANParks
Tel: 012 426 5203; Cell: 073 373 4999
Email: [email protected]

Gabrielle “Gabby” Venter
Manager: Media & Stakeholder Relations – SANParks
Tel: 012 426 5065; Cell: 083 825 9435
Email: [email protected]