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27 November 2012

Fun and games guaranteed at Camdeboo National Park

Since its inception in June last year, the Park”s holiday programme has been a roaring success – with some 30 children participating daily. Specially designed themes and activities were then introduced during the end-of-year school holidays last year, which turned out to be so successful, that the concept been replicated this year.

At only R15 per child per day, the programme, which runs from 09h00 to 14h00 daily at the Environmental Education Centre in the Park, is not to be missed!

The daily themes are as follows:

  • Sunny SANParks Monday (This day is specially designed to teach children all about SANParks. This day consists of a lesson, a quest and lots of fun games.)
  • True Yellow Tuesday (This day allows the children to explore the colour yellow. All children will have to dress in yellow and bring a yellow lunch.)
  • Ruff Ranger Wednesday (Here the children will learn all about illegal activities through a lesson, fun activities and a walk in the veld. They are welcome to dress up as rangers on the day.)
  • Thursday (Children will be taught all about invasive alien plants.)
  • Glad Gamey Friday (This is the fun day of the week which centres around playing games and having fun.)

Treat your children to come and join in the fun and learn all about the wonderful world they live in while they”re at it! Remember that bookings are essential as there is limited space.

Should you require more information, please contact Rosemary Scheepers on (049) 892 3453 or e-mail [email protected]

Download the Camdeboo National Park holiday programme.

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