SANParks On High Alert As Nxanatseni Receives Isolated Heavy Rains
South African National Parks (SANParks) today announced that Kruger National Park disaster management teams are on high alert in Nxanatseni (northern ...
April 2011: 3.3mm, May 2011: 65.8mm, June 2011: 75.93mm, July 2011: 39.11mm and August 2011: 23.5mm (to date).
The typical orange carpets at Skilpad are in full bloom. Orange daisies (Ursinia sp.); Varkiesknol (Conicosia sp.); Sporries (Heliophila sp.) and Pietsnot (Grielum humifusum) are just some of the species coming out en masse. There is countless other species to see as well.
The areas around Soebatsfontein have some beautiful patches of purple and yellow vygies. The pass between Skilpad and Soebatsfontein (4×4 only) is also very rewarding. The road to the park has nice patches of a variety of flowers.
The coastal areas are showing amazing diversity and color. Please note that you need a 4×4 for the Namaqua National Park coastal section.
The road condition to Skilpad is average with a few corrugations.
Further afield most of the road reserves have a variety of flowers. Springbok, Nababeep and Okiep is spectacular.