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Visitor Tips

  • Insect Repellent is strongly recommended. Cotton sheets will keep insects at bay.
  • Scarves protect against dust and wet towels from extreme heat. Provide clothing for extreme temperatures.
  • Heavy night-time dew occurs in the park.
  • Binoculars and cameras are a must.
  • As outdoor lighting in camps is limited, a torch/headlamp is required when walking outside at night.
  • Plastic refuse bags are essential as all rubbish must be removed on departure.
  • Firewood and kindling may not be collected in the park.
  • Gas cookers are recommended due to evening winds.
  • Make sure that you always have a good supply of water. Fresh water is available at Sendelingsdrift.
  • Do not sleep on the bare ground as the park is ideal scorpion habitat.
  • A 4×4 is required to traverse the Park.
  • Extra spare wheel, tools, spares, enough food and extra water containers are essential.
  • Driving off indicated routes and outside camping sites is a serious offence. It is harmful to the park and dangerous to the visitor.
  • No pets, generators or outboard motors permitted.
  • No quad bikes or motorbikes will be allowed inside the Park.
  • Picking of plants, removal of seeds, rocks, crystals or driftwood is an offence. Please help us to preserve the park’s wilderness atmosphere.