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03 November 2006

West Coast NP a Safer Place

With the increased number of schoolchildren passing through the West Coast National Park on eco-education courses, it has become apparent that a comprehensive First Aid kit was needed in the event of a field emergency. Our Park Education Officer, Edward Adonis approached the HR Committee and asked if we could help them. As a temporary measure, we rushed together a small field kit to help them while we sourced a better option.

After some research we are delighted to report that the Milnerton Medi-Clinic has donated one of their emergency Field Kits for use in our Park. It takes the form of a fold-out backpack and is equipped with everything short of the gear for a full surgical operation. The HRs will keep it replenished. Honorary Ranger Jenny Lodge was at Milnerton Medi-Clinic on Friday to collect the kit from Tania Stroobants, PA to the Manager at the Milnerton Medi-Clinic.

The kit was handed over to a delighted Edward Adonis on Saturday.