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Expression of Interest: Consultant to develop the Greater Addo-Amatole Biodiversity Economy Node Master Plan

Published on: 07 December 2023

Appointment of a service provider to develop the Greater Addo-Amatole Biodiversity Economy Node Master Plan – an Institutional Framework and Partnership Strategy.

Addo Elephant National Park



Bidding Enquiries

How To Apply

Bid Submission

Expressions of interest must be delivered in written form to the address below via email by 22 December 2023.

Park Planning and Development Unit
GEF 7 Project: Great Addo-Amathole Biodiversity Economy Node
Attention: Naledi Mneno, Project coordinator
329 Cape Road
Newton Park
Port Elizabeth
South Africa

Tel: +27 42 233 8616
Email: [email protected]

Closing Date

22 December 2023 at 00:00 AM

Please beware of fraudulent offers linked to our tender processes

SANParks prioritizes fair, transparent, equitable, competitive, and ethical practices, relying on official channels and reporting suspicious activity promptly.

To safeguard against potential scams:

SANParks publishes available tenders and PPP opportunities on the following platforms:

  1. Government Tender Bulletin
  2. National Treasury eTender Portal
  3. SANParks Website
