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28 August 2014

SANParks Board Media Release

This media reporting of sales of rhinos apparently refers to transactions which were based on the unauthorised commitment by a member of the SANParks Executive which exceeded the Board”s delegated authority. This member of the SANParks Executive has subsequently been suspended, pending disciplinary action, and an independent forensic audit has been commissioned into this matter. The Board of SANParks has not, prior to, or during, any subsequent time, approved any decision to sell any number of rhino. The SANParks Board has been constantly engaging with experts and stakeholders on the issue of combatting rhino poaching since the current poaching crisis emerged, as well as developing and implementing responses. In this context, the Board held a strategic workshop during July 2014 during which the revised rhino management strategy was formulated. Following the recent announcement of a cabinet-approved policy guidance by the Minister of Environmental Affairs, the Board is now in a position to finalise its strategy to address the rhino poaching crisis. “The Board has now made a decision to, inter alia,move some rhinos out of high risk areas or areas with too high densities of rhinos. These movements may include movements within parks, between parks, to provincial reserves, community areas or private areas”, said Kuseni Dlamini, Chairman of SANParks. “Rhino management implementation plans, which will include details of numbers and possible destinations, still need to be approved by the Board and the Minister of Environmental Affairs and will be undertaken with due sensitivity and in compliance with the relevant governance frameworks”, added Dlamini.

Issued By

SANParks Board

DR GC Dry Chairperson HR&REMCO, tel: 082 441 4426