Fire At Redhill Contained, Hiking Trails Closed
Cape Town, SANParks - The Fire Management team at Table Mountain National Park has contained a fire that affected Redhill in the Southern Section of t...
The roan antelope is rare in South Africa, currently numbering about 1 400. The aim of the operation was to build up numbers in South Africa. Foot and mouth disease regulations make it difficult to import game from Botswana, but the lifting of restrictions last year gave a narrow “window of opportunity” to obtain roan antelope for our national parks. SANParks decided to take the opportunity and the 81 roan established during the operation brought the total number currently maintained in national parks to at least 200. This will help to ensure the conservation status of the species in future. We are pleased to state that the newly established animals are doing well and 18 healthy calves have been born.
We admit, however, that the high mortality rate during the operation is totally unacceptable, and regret the loss of the animals that died in our care. Game capture operations need to be conducted according to the highest professional standards, and we will therefore be guided by the results of the NSPCA investigation to take whatever steps may be necessary to make sure that nothing like this happens again. We have compiled an internal report on the operation and submitted it for the consideration of our Animal Use and Care Committee (an independent committee of experts in the care and treatment of animals) and also await their conclusions and recommendations. The results of these investigations will be made public.
Florence Masebe
Media & PR Manager
Tel:+27 (0)12 426 5013; Cell:+27 (0)82 560 8043
Email:[email protected]