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02 December 2020

Degradation of land also degrades ant communities

Mountain Zebra and Mokala National Parks have been expanded and proclaimed on lands with some degree of ecological degradation from ploughing, overgrazing, alien plant species, and the destruction of native plants under the previous land uses. As a result, SANParks has undertaken rehabilitation projects in these parks. It is imperative that scientific data of different variables (both drivers and responders of such degradations) be measured before, during, and after the implementation of these rehabilitation projects to learn how these ecosystems recover from the degradation. Ants were selected as a variable that should be measured, as they fit the requirements of an indicator species. using ants is relatively inexpensive, easy to implement to monitor systems undergoing restoration


Lufuno Munyai

Lufuno Munyai

Regional Ecologist

Dr Hugo Bezuidenout

Dr Hugo Bezuidenout

Scientist: Vegetation Classification

Hendrik Sithole

Hendrik Sithole

Scientist: Invertebrates

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