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Garden Route & Frontier Research Unit

Project Registration Process

Project proposals submitted to the Garden Route & Frontier Research Unit for consideration are reviewed by the Scientific Services department. If approved, the project will be registered on our database. Once the project has been registered the regional ecologist (details below) will assist with logistical arrangements and data access.

Park Entry

  • Researchers are required to notify the relevant Park Manager, Senior Section Ranger, SANParks Coordinator and Regional Ecologist (details below) of when they will be doing field work.
  • A permit must be presented at the gate in order to gain free access to the park. (Note: this is only valid for researchers listed on the permit.)


  • There is limited accommodation for researchers at Storms River (Tsitsikamma Section) and Rondevlei (Wilderness Section). Please contact the regional ecologist for booking enquiries.
  • Researchers wanting to make use of tourist accommodation, where research accommodation is not available, must make their own arrangements through Central Reservations and are required to pay conservation fees.
  • A variety of accommodation is available close to the park in the surrounding towns of Storms River Village (Tsitsikamma), Knysna, Sedgefield and Wilderness.

Park Managers and Senior Section Rangers

Tsitsikamma Section
Victor Mokoena [email protected] +27 (0)42 281 1653
Euginia Mkhatshwa [email protected]
Knysna Section
Megan Taplin [email protected] +27 (0)44 382 2095
Owen Govender [email protected]
Klaas Havenga [email protected]
Wilderness Section
Sandra Taljaard [email protected] +27 (0)44 877 0046
Carel van der Merwe [email protected]


Nerina Kruger

Nerina Kruger

Science Liaison & GIS Officer

Email: [email protected]
Telephone: +27 (0)44 343 1302