I have just returned from the park and I will write up a trip report in the coming weeks but just for now I would just like to say that the whole staff and overall experience at Shingwedzi rest camp was outstanding! the staff were all friendly and very helpful. The camp was always spotless and in very good condition considering that they are recovering from a flood.
the shop was much cheaper than Letaba. A shirt that I wanted to buy was R150 more expensive in the Letaba shop.
and the front desk staff at Letaba were very rude, to the point in fact where I have decieded that i will not be staying at Letaba again.
So glad we did book for Shingwedzi this year..............thought about missing it out because of last year's floods. Can't wait for May Well done, guys 'n gals!
Democracy is two wolves and a lamb voting on what to have for lunch. Liberty is a well-armed lamb contesting the vote
Benjamin Franklin
We have recently got back from 2 weeks in the park Punda - Bungalow 21 in good condition - thanks also to Garth and Mike. On to Shingwedzi Bungalow 22 - still in excellent condition - smiles and good service every where. They have a new lady manager who is doing a great job - lets hope she can keep it up On to Satara to Bungalow C68 in fair condition but repairs carried out pronto. Then 1 night at Skukuza - bungalow in good condition - cant stand the' brocade' curtains!! We needed to see the Doctor. The receptionist was delightful and Doctor Gary Peiser was informative and so good A first class service So all in all it is congratulations all round. The park is looking super just like a verdant forest sprinkled with white confetti (brown veined whites) The birds were great, the Leopards always fascinating. We will be back to Kruger on 19t March What more can I say than we love this place so dearly
We also just came back from the park . I agree with the service from Shingwedzi . This is one of the best camps in the park . Everything about this camp stepped up to the plate. If you look at the camp you would not say it was underwater a year ago . The staff always smiles and makes you feel welcome .The shop was my Wife's best experience of all the shops we stopped at in the whole park.
Hi All I have just been on my third trip to KNP this year and wanted to share a bit of feedback with you. I flew into Skuzuza Airport - I was totally blown away by this little gem - it is beautifully decorated and the staff are helpful and cheerful - full marks to Sanparks. I did not go into Skukuza Camp at all - we stayed at Satara, Olifants, Lower Sabi and Tamboti.
The main reason for writing this is to let you all know that I was so impressed by just about all the facilities and the service. In all cases the public ablutions at the main camps and the picnic spots were clean an the staff in attendance were cheerful and helpful. The shops were stocked well - the best selection I have ever seen on any of my many previous trips - both with groceries/dry goods and with take away food.
The cottages were all clean and well equipped - We all know that some of the cottages are looking a bit "tired" and are not stocked at the standard we have at home but everything was clean and more than adequate for a night or two. At Satara our kettle did not work - a tragedy for 2 tea drinkers - and in no time it was replaced with one that worked.
Check in staff were cheerful and efficient - all in all excellent service all round.
We have returned home on Sunday after an amazing two weeks camping in Maroela.
Firstly I want to compliment Zondi and his wife Nikiwe on an extremely neat and well run camp. The ablutions were spotless and Zondi were always on hand to lend a helping hand to new arrivals and people breaking up camp - even in the rain!! The power tripped a couple of times but were fixed in a jiffy. Well done guys!!
And then to Team Orpen - specifically Paul and Paul. They came around on Christmas Eve to every campsite to hand over a Christmas card and to wish everyone a merry Christmas. What a nice gesture, really special! Thanks again!