Without much notice Tiny Pic ceased operations and therefore all photos that were hosted by them are now no longer showing.
If you are one of the members affected by this we ask that you please try and replace them where you can using an alternative method like Posting a photo as an Attachment or even How to post an Attachment using Drag and Drop
From the end of the year, December 2019 any photos still not replaced and showing the "Unavailable Symbol" will be removed.
If you need any assistance or need extra time please contact any one of the Mods.
Thanks for your co-operation.
Tiny Pic - Closure
Tiny Pic - Closure
Take time each day to be with nature
Re: Tiny Pic - Closure
A reminder that we will soon be starting to remove all the Tinypic photos no long showing as per the post above, so please do try and replace photos where you can as we will be losing some real gems and a big loss to the forum.
Take time each day to be with nature