To hunt with lions - Tarina Jozefowicz

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To hunt with lions - Tarina Jozefowicz

Unread post by Impisi08 »

To hunt with lions - a 12-year journey into the untamed heart of the Kruger National Park - is the story of Tarina and Jurgen Jozefowicz, wildlife filmmakers who spent 12 years in te Kruger National Park. They started in the Pafuri area and then moved to Skukuza where they lived till 1998. Of course many adventures with wildlife but also a bit about 'park politics'. I found it a very interesting book and enjoyed reading it. You can find the movie about the Shiloweni pride on Youtube.

ISBN 978-063976357-6
407 pages

I bought the book in one of the Parkshops. It is also available online.
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Re: To hunt with lions - Tarina Jozefowicz

Unread post by Elsa »

Sounds very interesting and one I would like to read. :thumbs_up:
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