Important Changes to Flickr Free a/c's

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Important Changes to Flickr Free a/c's

Unread post by Elsa »

Please be aware of changes to users of free Flickr ac/s Changes to flickr free-accounts

Everyone who still has a free Flickr a/c should have received a notification from them detailing the changes.
but in a nutshell

Free members with more than 1,000 photos or videos uploaded to Flickr have until Tuesday, January 8, 2019, to upgrade to Pro or download content over the limit. After January 8, 2019, members over the limit will no longer be able to upload new photos to Flickr. After February 5, 2019, free accounts that contain over 1,000 photos or videos will have content actively deleted -- starting from oldest to newest date uploaded -- to meet the new limit.

Therefore any members with old pics in Trip reports and other topics on the forum have until that time to edit and move your photos to another format like Attachments.

Please contact any mod for assistance and to unlock your topic/TR.
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Re: Important Changes to Flickr Free a/c's

Unread post by Elsa »

We’ve made some big changes to free Flickr accounts over the past year, and our community has made it clear that they’d like more time to decide on a home for their photos.

Because we know how important that decision is, we’re giving free Flickr accounts with 1,000+ photos and videos another month to make a decision, whether it means upgrading to Flickr Pro (with unlimited storage) or downloading your photos onto a computer.

On March 12, 2019, any photos and videos over 1,000 on free Flickr accounts will be at risk for deletion.

How to find your photo count

There are a couple different ways to tell how many photos you have in your account.

To check the amount of photos you have in your account through your Photostream, do the following:

- Log into your Flickr account

- Hover your mouse over the “You” option in the black header bar at the top of the page

- Click “Photostream” from the drop down box

- From your Photostream page, make sure the “View” option is set to “View all”

- On the right hand side of the header area of this page, you can see how many photos you have in your account, just to the left of the “Join” date

Another way to check the amount of photos in your account is to use the “Organize” option. To do this, please take the following steps:

- Log into your Flickr account

- Hover your mouse over the “You” option in the black header area at the top of the page

- Select “Organize” from the drop down box

- Once in the Batch Organizer, look to the bottom left area. Just above the thumbnails of your photos you should see an option box, click this and make sure the option is set to “All your content”

- Just below this box, you should see “# items :: 0 selected | Select all”, with the number of items being the amount of photos and videos present in your account
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