Africa Geographic - The issues

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Re: Special Africa Geographic Edition on Kruger

Unread post by Salva »

pardus wrote:Wildlife Wonders of the Kruger National Park.All I can say is that the photography is superb - from the front page to the last page.

Page 25 is one of my favourites.

Not a lot of reading material inside, but the photographs will really do a few things; you will want to experience this beautiful Park, you will dust your camera for the 100th time (this year) and head off to take a few more pictures, or you will weep with utter longing and joy to have such a precious glimpse of heaven...


mindblowing photography! There is not one pic that isn't special! Saw it in Skukuza shop and immediatly! my favourite is the fish eagle with the prey between its claws but unno what page it is.
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Unread post by Salva »

November issue: a superb caracal picture near Nossob in "caught on camera"! An incrdible sweet caracal kitten is hiding behind its equally beautiful mum! Go and check it out!!!
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Unread post by MarkWildDog »

Has anyone read the new December/January issue, it's stunning, there is 2 page story of a guy who was at a waterhole in Mapungubwe National Park & he had the most amazing sightings at it - must read, there is also a lot of info in the Peace Parks & Giriyondo, there is a stunning article on Cape Cobras in KTP & there is also excellent features on Dolphins & Elephants.
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