Here it is:

To be quite honest I wasn't expecting much from the video, but I was pleasantly surprised. The film is by Klaus Lang, who I haven't heard of, but he is apparantly well travelled as far as game parks are concerned - he has visited 120 national parks in over 80 countries (so says the blurb).
Anyway, the video starts of with an introduction about the park, telling some of its history and touching on Stevenson-Hamiltons great contribution.
From there the narrator mentions some very interesting facts about the park, for instance, more species of birds are found in Kruger than in the whole of the USA and Canada!!

Starting off in the South they show all the major camps and animals which are found, and head right to the top. The video was certified in 1999 so it was interesting to see how things have changed since then. The camps certainly look much better now, in my opinion.
The film ends of with a 20 minute finale concentrating on the predators, with some very exciting footage. They show a large pride of wilddogs hunting an impala (if you've never seen an impala jump 6m clear, get this video!) as well as two male lions having more than a scrap over what must have been a very pretty lioness!
They got some rare animals on tape too - a pangolin, otter aaargh there are a few more that have slipped my mind now.

Anyway with a running time of 69 minutes I thought the dvd was informative and interesting. The only issue worth pointing out is that the editing is a bit sloppy. Ok maybe more than a bit.
There is a second insert of about 52 minutes about the Sabie River which I have still to watch, but judging from the KNP film, should be just as good!
Cost R158
Rating: 8/10