Had a lovely lunch with the family and as grandie Jules has a birthday on Tuesday we usually do a combined celebration so always a nice and happy occasion. So sorry at the red flag for Lee, just one thing after another it seems, my thoughts go out to her. Glad her baking gives her some comfort. as d...
It will be amazing experience to have dinner there and then they will drive us back via staff village That will be such an amazing experience Mari. 8) :gflower: We have driven through the village after dark before when coming back from the cricket weekends and when the prize giving function was hel...
A very good morning everyone Cloudy and cooler today with a chance of rain and a thunder storm later this afternoon. MM, nice to see you popping in again with a yummy brekkie tray! 8) Sure the workers were very glad to finally be shown a way to get out and home. :clap: Cheese scones will be 8) for t...
That bread did look good Tessa. 8) Been a hot day with some of the NE to help keep us cool but it has now dropped and we have to use the fan. My UK nephew also confirmed the cold weather. I need to catch up on the TR's will do so this evening. I hope it has been a good day for all. :thumbs_up: Clink...
A very good morning everyone Lots of blue skies around today, so the temps will go up again. Thanks for providing the brekkie tray Stampie. Enjoy the time with your grandies. 8) Hope your foot is feeling better today Matty, best to keep those toes and feet away from the sharp little teeth. Do all ha...
A very good afternoon everyone Have had such a busy morning, mostly on the phone and answering messages etc, you all know how it goes, but so wonderful to hear from friends I haven't spoken to in ages. Thanks very much for all your kind wishes. :gflower: The rain has been continuing on and off all m...
Rain has continued for the last few hours and I have only now closed the front door. I do enjoy chicken in the airfryer, that was our meal on Tuesday night. Well done on the tomato canning CoS, I also like to have a stock of tomatoes ready but mine go into the freezer. Just remove the skins, chop th...
Oh my word, that was just so cruel and badly managed by the staff there Tessa, as if she hasn't been through enough already. For Lee :gflower: That is certainly a cake and a half you have given us before heading off on your trip GM. 8) Do have the best time and we look forward to hearing all about i...
Offer sounds too good to refuse GEJ! :dance: and fire fighters getting there soon, has it under control now. Well done to those fire fighters. :clap: Traffic chaos :wall: Going into CT from us was a nightmare. Crazy, you would think people would stay away! :doh: I really hope today is cooler for you...
A very good morning everyone Cloudy and a lot cooler today which is such a relief. No rain yet but it looks as if its not too far off. I see the wind is blowing as they build up to the State of the Nation address by the president. Going near. The City centre Don't think you would get anywhere near e...
Nice quality time spent with Lee, Tessa and with some lovely home grown veggies to bring home. Sorry about some of those not so nice side effects she is having. Well done on getting a good deal on the travel policies GEJ. Thanks for the night caps and extras. :thumbs_up: Worn out with from the heat ...
Went down and played cards this afternoon and I think this must have been our hottest day by a mile! People were saying it was registering 45C or even higher! They had the ceiling fans whirling but it was still most uncomfortable and we drank litres of water to keep hydrated. Then mid afternoon a So...